Underpinning our mission and activities are four core values. It is our desire that people personally discover each of these values.
Know God
Did you realise that God loves you and invites you into the adventure of knowing Him personally? Life Church exists to help you develop a genuine relationship with God and discover His purpose for your life.
Grow In Community
You were not created to do life alone, you were created for community. Real life change and growth happens in the context of community. Life Church is a place where you belong and the best way for us to belong is to get connected in a Life Group. There is something powerful about a small group of people who regularly pray for each other by name, celebrate each other’s wins and enjoy doing life together.
Discover Purpose
You've been created on purpose and for a purpose. Life Church exists to help you discover what that purpose is and how to apply that purpose to make a real difference. God created you by design and that's why the best place to look for your purpose is in your design - your natural gifting, talents and passions. Our discover purpose course is all about helping you discover your natural strengths and the unique purpose for your life.
Reach People
As you grow in community and discover your purpose you will realise that one of life's greatest joys is to share your faith with someone who doesn't yet know Jesus. We should never underestimate the power of a personal invitation, so why not invite someone to come along to a service with you this Sunday.
#Strategy & Policy

Child Protection Policy
Life Church is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all people who use its services. Life Church is part of the movement of churches, Australian Christian Churches (ACC) and to ensure children and young people are kept safe from harm, we have adopted the ACC national Child Protection Policy. Our staff and volunteer workers will treat all children and young people with respect and understanding at all times. Life Church holds a Child Protection Policy training annually for all staff and volunteers.

Covenant Relationship with Enjoy Church
Life Church is in Covenant Relationship with Enjoy Church. Enjoy Church is led by Pastors Shane and Georgie Baxter and spans over a dozen locations across Victoria, Tasmania and Japan. Pastors Shane and Georgie are great friends of Pastors Geoff and Lee and have been a key part of the continued growth of Life Church and the Life Church team.