#Community Programs
Life School Age Care Director (Flexible, Brisbane South)
The Life School Age Care Director will lead and support our team of quality educators in providing excellent programs to children and families. This role will have a lasting impact on young people, families and the entire School Age Care Team. This is an exciting opportunity in empowering people to live their best life.
Job Club - Assistant (Volunteer, 1-day, Brisbane South)
The Job Club Assistant supports the outworking of our vision to reach and empower people through our Life Communities department including providing education and social enrichment programs and initiatives to our community. Life Communities is the expression of the heart of our church in the local community to support people to live their best life.
Grants Writer (Volunteer, 1-day, Brisbane South)
The Grants Writer provides grant research and writing support to Life Church to deliver education and social enrichment programs, initiatives and services to our community. Grants release funds for additional vision initiatives, that enable us as a Church to reach more people.
#Office Support
Administrative Assistant (Volunteer, Flexible Days, Brisbane South)
This is an exciting role, with the opportunity to support and assist the pastoral and leadership team in the development, maintenance, management and coordination of key administrative processes through volunteers, Interns, Life Church employed staff and external contacts.
Administrative Assistant (Volunteer, Flexible Days, Brisbane North)
This is an exciting role, with the opportunity to support and assist the pastoral and leadership team in the development, maintenance, management and coordination of key administrative processes through volunteers, Interns, Life Church employed staff and external contacts.
Receptionist (Volunteer, Flexible Days, Brisbane South)
The primary purpose of this role is to work with, and as directed by, the pastoral and leadership team in the development, maintenance, management and coordination of key administrative processes through volunteers, Interns, Life Church employed staff and external contacts. The Receptionist role provides a great welcoming atmosphere to the office in general and to everyone who walks through the front door.
Receptionist (Volunteer, Flexible Days, Brisbane North)
This is an exciting role, with the opportunity to support and assist the pastoral and leadership team in the management and facilitation of ministry and administration through the Life Church office, interacting both with our Life Church and extended community. The Receptionist role provides a great welcoming atmosphere to the office in general and to everyone who walks through the front door.
Events Assistant (Volunteer, 1-day, Brisbane South)
The Events Assistant (Volunteer) provides administrative support to Life Church to deliver multiple events across the year. This role assists with outworking our vision to reach and empower people across special events both on a Sunday and throughout the week.
Events Assistant (Volunteer, 1-day, Brisbane North)
The Events Assistant (Volunteer) provides administrative support to Life Church to deliver multiple events across the year. This role assists with outworking our vision to reach and empower people across special events both on a Sunday and throughout the week.
#Marketing & Videography
Marketing Assistant (Volunteer, Flexible Days, Brisbane South)
This is an exciting role, with the opportunity to support and assist the pastoral and leadership team in the strategic development and coordination of marketing across a wide range of mediums, including web, social and print. Aspects of this role may include managing electronic direct mail campaigns, social media content calendars and interacting with members of the Church and the wider community. The Marketing Assistant will utilise cloud based software such as MailChimp, Trello and Google Suite.
Marketing Assistant (Volunteer, Flexible Days, Brisbane North)
This is an exciting role, with the opportunity to support and assist the pastoral and leadership team in the strategic development and coordination of marketing across a wide range of mediums, including web, social and print. Aspects of this role may include managing electronic direct mail campaigns, social media content calendars and interacting with members of the Church and the wider community. The Marketing Assistant will utilise cloud based software such as MailChimp, Trello and Google Suite.
Videography (Volunteer, Flexible Days, Brisbane South)
This is an exciting role, with the opportunity to support and assist the pastoral and leadership team in the production and creation of video content that will be used in a wide range of contexts to support our team and church to reach and empower more people.
Videography (Volunteer, Flexible Days, Brisbane North)
This is an exciting role, with the opportunity to support and assist the pastoral and leadership team in the production and creation of video content that will be used in a wide range of contexts to support our team and church to reach and empower more people.