#You Belong here
Sunday Services
Life Church is a life-giving church that meets in multiple locations across Queensland. Our services could be described as welcoming, fun, empowering and energetic! Our services cater for all ages and include a great kids program. We would love to invite you to attend one of our services this weekend.
Kids Programs
All of our Sunday Services include a fun, safe and engaging kids program called Kids Life. Your child's safety is our first priority, therefore our Kids Life team have regular training to maintain a high standard of care, as well as being required to hold ‘Working With Children’ blue cards.
Something For Everyone
Life Church is committed to empowering people to lead in every area of life. Therefore, each of our locations provide dynamic kids and youth programs and host a range of other great programs to help you live your best life. You can discover more about what's on by visiting your location below.
#Our Locations
#Find a Life Group
Life Church is a place where you belong and the best way to get connected is to join a Life Group.